

Written by Camden Leahy | Aug 28, 2023 4:20:23 PM


Think of the last time you may have seen a digital sign. Surely, some images or advertisements come to mind. Now think of the last magazine ad you saw in the wild. A bit harder to recall right? That’s because digital signage attracts 400x more attention than traditional outlets, with 63% of people noticing digital screens. As a result, companies all over are beginning to implement digital signage for a variety of reasons. Whether to improve internal communications or to boost revenue, digital displays can empower your business. But sometimes, seeing is believing. That’s why in this article, we will evaluate 3 case studies conducted by REACH and its partners. These are actual clients that have expanded their platform through REACH and demonstrate effective use cases for corporate businesses. These examples should inspire some ideas of your own and can be used as a reference for successful strategies. Additionally, if you want more digital signage tips & tricks, visit our resource page for the latest information! If you’ve been meaning to take the leap to start your own corporate digital signage journey, then click here to get started!


Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation is an industry leader in energy production based out of North Dakota. They employ digital signage to keep staff informed and on task throughout its manufacturing plants. After implementing a PowerBI integration, the company is now able to display KPI’s and other corporate metrics right on the manufacturing floor. This informs staff on upcoming deadlines, production goals, and other tasks. As a result, employees have the information they need to perform effectively each day. In addition, managers can use the data to make adjustments to their corporate strategy, plan schedules, and more. Digital signage is just as useful off the production line too! REMC also employs breakroom displays to show more light-hearted content such as trivia, fun facts, employee highlights, and other teambuilding content. This allows staff to feel closer to one another and their work. As a result, you will cultivate a more positive work culture where tasks are completed more efficiently. Additionally, when it’s time to create original assets, REMC is able to do so with a Canva integration, allowing them advanced tools such as animation. 


Dairy Farmers of America faced a separate issue when employing its corporate digital signage solution. 95% of all DFA’s signage is tailored for internal communications. As stated in the previous example, this would allow them to share content to all facilities from a central location. As a result, the company would be able to promote a unified message. However, DFA also takes pride in the culture built within each facility. They wanted a solution that would allow them to share important assets, but still have some control to push their own content as well. Through REACH’s organization and users tool, DFA is able to assign different permissions to members to restrict them to certain tasks. This keeps staff focused and efficient, while also alleviating potential security concerns. At the same time, it also achieves DFA’s vision of allowing each facility to carve out its own identity. As a result, Dairy Famers of America exemplifies great use of user tools, asset sharing, and task management. 


Shelter Mutual Insurance is a great example of how a corporate entity can gradually grow its digital signage strategy. Originally, Shelter Mutual wanted a solution that would allow them to simply update menu options for its cafeteria. However, after seeing its effectiveness in person, they started to expand. Using BrightSign for all of its player options, Shelter Mutual now utilizes a variety of content across its screens. Local news and social media integrations inform staff of important events, market trends, and user attitudes. Scrolling calendars catch the eye more than traditional bulletin boards, resulting in an increase in staff engagement. Even streaming options, such as Live TV, provide needed breaks to employees without disrupting the rest of their content. Of course, menu boards are now entirely digital, allowing for real-time updates. This ensures all content Shelter Mutual publishes is fresh and accurate. Due to the effectiveness of digital signage, Shelter Mutual has expanded its digital footprint to 16 screens. As a result, Shelter Mutual Insurance is a great example of how you can gradually leverage digital signage to achieve different functions over time.